“AGT” – Michael Finney Get’s It Right!


michael-finneyFinally, Michael Finney offers a sensible viewpoint on this terrible showcase for magic acts – America’s Got Talent.
I will let him describe it in his own words:
(Credited from the most recent newsletter of  Alan Watson’s” Magic New Zealand® – Issue Number: #951.” Not sure where his comments originally appeared.)

 I would like to add my two cents worth on the AGT show, and magicians performing, simply stated the show is a joke. Of all the shows like it “The Voice”, “Idol”, “Dancing with the  Stars” etc, AGT is the worst, How can anyone take that show seriously, other than Terry Fator.

You compete against a potpourri of hit and miss acts, most of which could not do a Las Vegas act, period. Little kids and animals competing against adults should tell you something. I feel for my friends who have gone on and been subjected to judges who are not qualified to judge acts under this format.  Some will say they got some TV time, which most have already had in one way or another. I did Star Search back in the day, at least then you were going up against other acts doing what you did. But even then the best acts hardly ever won! It’s all about rating’s. It’s all about controversy and how rude the judges can be to acts.  Many of the acts should never have gotten on the show in the first place, that’s what makes AGT a joke from the get go!

Right on Michael! I know so many professional magician friends (who where once on the top of their game with top tv spot time) trying to still cling on to stardom for a bit longer by appearing on the show. But they just end up embarrassing themselves.

Fellow local magician from Orlando, Florida (where I grew up) Dan Stapleton was made a total ass of with the taping of his act on AGT (and he voiced his thoughts about this publicly within the industry after the fact, in fairness to him…).

Magic is an art and deserves respect to be showcased properly. And AGT isn’t that showcase.